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-The Growth Of Beauty In The Act Of Dying-

[Rust-aged steel (fillings & wool) hermetically encased on sheet Perspex]

A study on the affect of time on iron, the aging process & the accumulation of change & growth in decay. 

Steel, like humans, becomes a greater entity with age, growing & developing an evermore layered intracy the longer it's exposed to the ravages of time, thus becoming deeper, more complex & ultimately purer the nearer it draws to it's inevitable structural demise.

For more work like this please see -Fine Art-

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

The Growth of Beauty in the Act of Dying

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